ⓒ 2007 WATV
When the autumn leaves turned into beautiful shades of colors, the 30th Overseas Visiting Group members came to Korea. After returning to their county, they continually sent back the sweet fragrances of Zion. Meanwhile, the 31st Overseas Visiting Group arrived in Korea as the winter season was beginning. Over 150 overseas members from 46 Churches in 23 countries—20 Churches in Asia, 10 in South America, 3 in North America, 1 in Spain and 1 in the Netherlands-flew into the arms of heavenly Jerusalem according to the prophecies.
While staying in Korea, they concentrated on studying God’s word with the help from teachers at the Elohim Training Institute and the Head Office. Since most of them had already grown to be gospel workers in their Churches, they testified to the truth confidently and clearly, and displayed their enthusiasm for the gospel fully. Mother took care of every detail, worrying about their health in the cold weather and caring for difficulties caused by differences in language and culture. Whenever She spent time with them, She planted the heavenly hope in their hearts through Her words of encouragement and instruction, and blessed them to be great gospel workers.

ⓒ 2007 WATV
In Mother’s love and consideration, the overseas members visited the Church of God History Museum and participated in a Church event. Through various programs, they attained a more in-depth understanding of the truth. They attended worship services at the New Jerusalem Temple and the Church of God in Dongdaemun, sharing the joy of reunion and the love of the heavenly family with the Korean members.
The overseas members, who had wit-nessed the glory of heavenly Jerusalem and experienced the love and sacrifice of Mother, returned to their country with a firm determination to repay Father and Mother for Their grace by putting into practice the love that they had received. Now we are continually hearing the good news that the fruit of repentance is being produced abundantly throughout the world.