In early 2000s, the Church of God had around 300,000 members in 300 churches. As it has grown constantly, it now has more than 2,300,000 members in 2,500 churches throughout the world. Publications and videos have become more useful for helping missionary work and strengthening the church members’ faith. Accordingly, cultivating talented members in publication and video production has also become necessary.

ⓒ 2015 WATV
On December 6, the 16th Melchizedek Literary Awards and the 1st Elohim Video Festival Awards were held. The Melchizedek Literary Awards is an annual awards ceremony that has produced excellent writers playing a role in the literary mission for six-teen years. More than 40,000 literary works have been submitted until this year and about 400 winners are displaying their talents in various areas of the gospel. The Elohim Video Festival Awards was held for the first time this year to discover videomakers as videos are influential.
These awards ceremonies were held at the New Jerusalem Temple in Korea. A total of more than 900 people including winners, those who made to the finals, the panel of judges, members of the literature society, persons working in publication and video production, and those who have worked in each field were present at the ceremonies.
Mother blessed the members who had been working hard until the fire of the gospel rose up in earnest. Saying, “Through publications and videos, God’s love and truth are spreading even to remote places in the world,” Mother complimented the members on their efforts to save souls with God-given talents. “Please do not forget that you can deliver Christ’s fragrance to all nations when the members of talents for different areas such as writing, video-making, photo-taking, and drawing are united in love and work in harmony. Let’s do our best to achieve the mission given by God,” asked Mother.
General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol mentioned the Bible verse “In humility consider others better than yourselves” (Php 2:3–8) as the secret of original works, because when the one strives to create something, wishing for others’ salvation and blessings, his work can touch many people. “Let’s have the sense of calling that we’ll brighten the dark world as the children of God who is light, and lead people who are wandering in darkness to love and the truth,” he said.

ⓒ 2015 WATV
Before the ceremonies began, three videos were played. Mother’s Back was an animation based on the Melchizedek Literary Award-winning essay that calmly depicted Mother’s devotional love and sacrifice. A Phone Call was an Elohim Video Festival Award-winning semi-documentary about communication in a refined image. An Elohim Video Festival Award-winning music video We Love You showed the student group’s wit and humor. Laughing and shedding tears, the audience felt the power of publications and videos that delivered messages strongly and left impressions for a long time.
Right after that, the ceremonies began. The 16th Melchizedek Literary Awards invited members’ participation (including student groups) in the sections of essay, novel, children’s story, poem, column, advertise-ment, illustration, cartoon, and book/web design from last June 1 till July 15. Works in Korean, English, Chinese, Spanish, and other languages were all invited and more than 1,200 entries were submitted from many countries, and 39 members were honored to be winners.
The 1st Elohim Video Festival Awards invited works in the fields of semi-documentary, short film, music video, 2D/3D/Flash animation, UCC, advertisement, and animation. In total, more than 180 videos were submitted and 15 works out of 49 that made to the finals were awarded. In addition, six winners of the “Boast about God” Writ-ing Contest and the 1st Elohist Cover Photo Contest were also awarded.
Mother gave certificates of award and additional prizes to each and every winner and applauded them. Whenever a winner’s name was called, the audience cheered for him or her with applause and acclamation. “Everyone, who has worked silently until a publication or a video is made, is a winner,” said Mother, encouraging all the participants and extending thanks.
“We give thanks to God for regarding our efforts made in the hope of helping the gospel work as pleasing and for giving awards to us. We’ll endeavor to create more works useful for saving souls,” said the winners, expressing their determination.

ⓒ 2015 WATV