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International Youth Forum 2015

  • 国家 | Korea
  • 日期 | 2015年8月30日
“Youth comes but once in a lifetime” (H. W. Longfellow, an American poet).

“Money can buy many things. But money can’t buy youth” (F. Raimund, an Austrian dramatist).

ⓒ 2015 WATV
Needless to quote well-known people, everybody knows the importance of youth. Yet, many young adults do not know how to spend their youth but wander about.

On August 30, the International Youth Forum 2015 was held for the young adult members who wanted to spend the golden period of their lives more meaningfully. Over 3,500 young adults who were working in various fields of society and the pastoral staff and the teachers from each church participated in the event held at Okcheon Go&Come Training Institute. Several overseas members and the pastoral staff members who were visiting Korea also joined and added the significance of the international forum.

ⓒ 2015 WATV
During the worship service, Mother blessed young adult members greatly so that all those who were keeping their faith firm while working diligently in the given situations could obey the will of God and enjoy the glory of heaven. “ ‘The youth as the dew of dawn who are willing on the day of God’s power (Ps 110:3, cf. NASB)’ refer to you. Many people are anxious about their future because of economic crises and never-ceasing disasters. As fishers of men saving souls in the sea of your workplaces, diligently deliver the truth of life and God’s love,” said Mother, encouraging the young adult members (Jn 4:28–32; Ro 10:13–15).

“How can we preach the gospel to seven billion people on the earth?” asked General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol. He gave examples of people and events that broke people’s fixed ideas and took a major step forward in civilization like the Wright brothers who invented the world’s first successful airplane. “God works through those who believe they can do it. Let’s have a magnanimous mind like that of God who runs the vast universe and tell the way to salvation to seven billion people,” he said (Php 4:13; Jer 32:27; Mt 24:14).

The forum, which began after the service, proceeded with young adult members’ presentations and discussions on their faith and gospel goals. Through his powerful keynote address, Pastor Kim Joo-cheol emphasized the importance of youth, and said, “What you’re doing now determines your future. Your forefathers of faith like Joseph and Daniel spent their youth in God without leaving any regrets, thinking of what they should do for the future when the prophecies of the Bible were fulfilled. Just like them, please devote yourselves to the work of God and become the protagonists who complete the gospel work.”

After his speech, there were Korean and overseas young adults’ gospel work case presentations. The speakers from the churches in Korea that produced outstanding results during the Young Adults’ Preaching Festival around the Day of Pentecost explained how much they lacked faith and fervor in the beginning, wavering and easily influenced by the circumstances, but how they changed, what result they got, and what goals and plans they set for the future. The overseas churches’ cases were presented as videos. They illuminated the present situation of young adult members’ gospel work, their realization, and trial and error during the process, which broadened the audience’s spiritual horizons. After this, they watched a video about great people who made wise choices during their youth and contributed to society such as Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs, and about our Zion members who spent their youth wisely, including their advices.

Lastly, they discussed the young adults’ gospel work. Following the lead of overseers, each group of young adults spoke of their opinions and figured out what goals they should set for the gospel work. In such an enthusiastic atmosphere, they opened their hearts and confided what they were concerned about, and shared their experiences.

“Young adults! Your greatest merit is that you’re testified in the Bible as the protagonists of the prophecies. Though you have different talents, if you do not lose the key called ‘Mother’s love and teachings,’ I believe you can all open wide the door of the gospel work,” said Deacon Thomas Goh Fong Chee from the Kuala Lumpur Church in Malaysia.

When the forum was about to end, a shower poured down. Seeing the pouring rain, the young adults felt like their worries were washed away.

“Many people around me advise me that youth is the most important period of my life. I need to appreciate its preciousness first to spend it meaningfully, leaving no regrets. Treasuring time that flies like an arrow, I’d like to mark a new era in God’s history” (Song Hye-jin from Changwon, Korea).

“Today, I realized that I should preach the gospel not just to certain people but to everyone. There’re still many people who don’t know the truth around me. Instead of shifting the job onto someone else, I myself will preach the truth to them” (Shin Dong-hun from Incheon, Korea).

The faithful young adults who spoke of their aspirations for the gospel work looked bright and fresh like a clear sky after rain.

ⓒ 2015 WATV
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