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God Gives Ability toThose Who Work

  • 国家 | Nepal
  • 日期 | 2003年7月01日
ⓒ 2003 WATV
Many people will probably think the most difficult thing in doing overseas missionary is the barrier of language. So when a person thinks about his language incapability, he loses confidence and his shout, "Here am I, send me," shrivels.

However, we all know the gospel work is done not by us, but by God who always gives us strength and ability. In Nepal, I actually experienced this if we are called by God to do the overseas missionary, we don't have to hesitate because of our poor foreign language ability. The success or failure of overseas missionary does not depend on how well you speak foreign language, but how hard you practice the sacrificial love of Father and Mother.

Before coming to Nepal, I knew nothing about the country. 'Though I've learned English 10 years at school, it is still difficult for me to command it in real life. How am I going to deliver this gospel in a language that I've never learned in my life?' Shortly after the worry, I headed for Nepal, believing God would prepare everything for me and would give me ability when I need it.

When I first heard Nepalese, it reminded me of an African language I heard on TV before. It was so unfamiliar to me that I was totally baffled. At first, I prayed in English though I didn't speak well for it was the only foreign language I'd learned, and a deacon (he is now a missionary) who could speak Korean well translated my sermon into Nepalese.

But, my English prayer neither touched my heart nor the members'. They could not understand the English prayers but kept repeating 'Amen'. I thought that in this way I couldn't get closer with the members and that it might be impossible to deliver the love of Father and Mother.

So, I decided to give prayers in Nepalese for the first step. I couldn't understand what the words meant, but I wrote down the pronunciations and tried to memorize them all. For a week, I taped the prayers and listened and repeated. However, the unfamiliar language didn't get close with me.

ⓒ 2003 WATV
On a Sabbath day, I read the prayers that I'd practiced for a week enough to break the tape. I almost forgot the prayer because of the members' loud shout of 'Amen.' I was touched so much.

After the service, members came and said, "Thank you so much for giving the prayers in our language." Seeing the family touched by the Nepalese prayer, I felt sorry for not doing this earlier that could please Mother a lot.

And I gained another big hope. I was getting more confidence though the language was still hard for me. I practiced reading and writing, and set up a goal to preach in Nepalese. I made a preach note and asked members to help me translate them into Nepalese. Of course, I couldn't understand the words. It seemed impossible to memorize so many lines of a sermon, but I resolved not to give up in the middle. On the first day of my preach in Nepalese, I hardly saw the members' faces because I was busy reading the paper.

However, God touched the members' hearts to feel the sacrifice of Father and Mother not due to my language ability but my earnest heart willing to deliver the message. The members seemed to assume the burning heart and sacrifice of Father and Mother leaving the glory of kingdom, through a missionary who came from a rich country Korea and made every effort to awake them.

To see members having this kind of understanding encouraged me and I thought I should toil and moil than before. After repeatedly reading over the papers, I got an idea of how to speak Nepalese. When I went out to deliver the gospel, I boldly spoke Nepalese whether it made sense or not. Then I got to learn the words naturally day after day.

On a Sabbath, I folded the preach paper that I had prepared for a week. "Actually, I had even more words to say to you than what I prepared. What oppressed me the most was that I couldn't look at your faces while preaching. So from now on, whether my sermon makes sense or not, I am going to preach, seeing your face. If I'm wrong, please help me correct. I will preach God's words and you will receive God's grace."

ⓒ 2003 WATV
God did everything and added ability to me. The preach ended gracefully and I gave thanks to God who always helps those who work hard. I didn't imagine that I could speak Nepalese this much well. I was totally overwhelmed.

I still can't speak Nepalese well, but I now preach the love of Father and Mother in Nepalese directly. When the members come to hear the sacrificial path of Father and Mother, though my Nepalese is poor, we all shed tears together. We all feel that we are the heavenly brothers and sisters communicating in spiritual way and we all believe we are the children of Father and Mother inheriting Their blood.

Thanks to Mother's blessing, we kept this year's Passover in a big church without suffering any disturbance of idol worshipers. We, only the heavenly children, kept the Passover reverently, praising Father and Mother.

When I think of the past trails of Nepal Church through which God gave me an understanding, a wave of pleasure flips over me and I imagine the day in heaven when I recall these moments. Maybe the Nepal Church has to go further than it passed. However, we, full of love, are going to follow our Mother with pleasure wherever She goes.

Thank You, Father and Mother, for giving everyday pleasure of delivering the gospel and allowing lands to exploit. Now, I pledge to be a sincere prophet, a genuine missionary of the Church of God who says, "Here am I, send me," in every moment. Mother, thank You so much for always being with us.
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